Universal Almanac with Wikidata

The Universal Almanac is a small application aiming to display things that happens on any given day. It make it possible to meet your real birthday twins but also to discover a lot of unsuspected micro-events on a day that means something to you: the opening of a railway, the first performance of an opera, the release of a forgotten single, the discovery of an asteroide or the destruction of a lighthouse

The Universal Almanac is entirely based on Wikidata thanks to the Sparql endpoint (you can check the query used here). It is automatically updated so that any contribution you make related on a given day on Wikidata will be featured as well on the Almanac.

For the time being the Almanac only uses basic date properties. More advanced date records like events or the beginning and end of a politcal mandate will be featured on a next version. Consequently the Almanac has for now a heavy focus on micro-history and large scale events will be mostly recorded by the impact they had on individual people (an example, among others). Future development may also include multilingual support (already possible within Wikidata data)